“…The nuclear targeting sequences are also underscored with broken lines. Abbreviations: AThooks, AT-hook homologies with HMG-Y proteins (Gu et al, 1992;Tkachuk et al, 1992;Domer et al, 1993); TRX1, TRX2; two regions in human MLL with homology to the Drosophila trithorax protein (Domer et al, 1993); SPBR1 and SPBR2, SET protein binding regions 1 and 2 (Adler et al, 1997); NTS, Nuclear targeting signal ; SNL, speckled nuclear localization ; MT, DNA Methyltransferase domain (Ma et al, 1993); PHD, Zinc ®ngers originally described in two plant homeodomain proteins (Schindler et al, 1993;Aasland et al, 1995); ZNF, a diverged PHD Zinc Finger domain (Prasad et al, 1997); ATA1-2; two regions found in MLL and TRX not represented in other proteins (Stassen et al, 1995;Tillib et al, 1995;Prasad et al, 1997) , 1986). Nucleotide comparisons of the region encompassing the 11q23 breakpoint cluster of the human gene (spanning exons 5 ± 11) with the equivalent region of the Fugu gene (Table 1 and data not shown) reveals the conserved nature of exons 8, 9, and 10 which contain PHD ®ngers 1 and 2, but shows no obvious conserved features in the introns.…”