1989. The indirect effect of exogenous auxin on initiation of cell divisions in wheat root explants (Triticum aestivum) during callus induction. Can. J. Bot. 67: 1979Bot. 67: -1984 Mitotic activity (indices) was measured in apical and nonapical regions of primary root explants excised from 2-day-old germinating seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum Thell em L.) and cultured in the presence of the synthetic auxins 3,6-dichloro-0-anisic acid (dicamba) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Mitotic activity in the root apical meristem decreased with increasing concentration of auxin in the culture media. Correlated with the decrease of mitotic activity in the root apical meristem was an increase of mitotic activity in nonapical regions of the root. The degree of cell division activity initiated in nonapical regions of the root was (i) inversely proportional to the degree of inhibition of cell divisions in the root apex, but (ii) independent of the concentration of auxin in the culture medium. These data suggest that the primary effect of these synthetic auxins on mitotic activity in wheat root explants is to suppress cell divisions in the primary root apex and not to stimulate cell divisions in the nonapical regions of the root. Cell cycle control in nonapical regions of the root appears to be a function of factor(s) emanating from mitotically active cells of the primary apical meristem. KUDIRKA, D. T., et BRIGHTWELL, B. B. 1989. The indirect effect of exogenous auxin on initiation of cell divisions in wheat root explants (Triticum aestivum) during callus induction. Can. J. Bot. 67 : 1979-1984. L'activitC mitotique fut mesurCe dans les regions apicales et non-apicales d'explants de racines primaires excisCes de plantules de blC (Triticum aestivum Thell em L.) lgCes de 2 jours et cultivCes en prCsence des auxines synthktiques: l'acide 3,6-dichloro-0-anisique (dicamba) et l'acide 2,4-dichlorophCnoxy-acCtique (2,4-D). L'activitC mitotique dans le mCristbme apical de la racine diminue avec l'accroissement de la concentration en auxine du milieu de culture. L'augmentation d'activitC mitotique dans les rCgions non-apicales de la racine est correlCe avec la diminution de I'activitC mitotique du mCristbme apical de la racine. Le degrC d'activitC de la division cellulaire initiie dans les rCgions non-apicales de la racine est: (i) inversement proportionnel au degrC d'inhibition des divisions cellulaires dans l'apex racinaire mais (ii) indCpendant de la concentration en auxine dans le milieu de culture. Ces rCsultats suggbrent que l'effet primaire de ces auxines synthCtiques sur I'activitC mitotique des explants de racine de blC consiste dans la suppression des divisions cellulaires dans l'apex de la racine primaire, mais non pas dans la stimulation des divisions cellulaires dans les rCgions non-apicales de la racine. Le contr6le du cycle cellulaire dans les regions non-apicales de la racine semble &tre une fonction de facteur(s) Cmanant de cellules mitotiquement actives du miristbme apical de la racine primaire.[Tradui...