“…The sulfite liquor which resulted during cellulose extraction contains sodium salts and hundreds of different organic molecules with many hydroxyl groups obtained from the thermo-chemical braking of α-O-4 and β-O-4 ether bonds between hemicellulose, syringyl, and guaiacyl monomers of lignin [1]. The energetic value of sulfite liquor is known, and thisis the main application; however, a higher degree of interest has emerged intothe separation and valorization of the diversity of biocomponents, including biodiesel, fertilizers, and adsorbents [1][2][3][4][5]. The proposed ionotropic adsorption of carbonaceous and metallic nano/micro-particles with activated chitosan [6,7], simultaneously with the separation of the two ionically interconnected nano-dispersed phases from the residual sulfite liquor, represents an innovative approach, with only a few studieshaving been conducted on this subject [3,8,9].…”