Background: The aging process makes the sleep quality of the elderly decrease and irregular. Physical activity that can be done by the elderly is gymnastics. Gymnastics in elderly maintain the blood circulation and avoid cardiovascular disease. Elderly gymnastics must begin with the belief and motivation of the elderly in participating the gymnastics. High motivation in the elderly causes a high spirit to participate in gymnastics and improve their sleep quality. Thus, in this study, we identify the motivation of the elderly in participating in elderly gymnastics for their quality of sleep in Padukuhan Lemahdadi.Methods: This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data retrieval is carried out by interviews, observations, and field records. Participants included 7 older people who were determined by a purposive sampling technique. Data validity used a triangulation technique. Furthermore, data analysis consisted of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.Results: In this study evaluate seven elderly. The results of this study showed that the motivation of the elderly to participate in elderly gymnastics affects the quality of elderly sleep quality. It was influenced by several things: elderly motivation in participating in elderly gymnastics, pain reduction measures performed by the elderly, the influence of elderly gymnastics on health, and the positive impact of elderly who participated in gymnastics.Conclusion: The sleep quality in older people who participated in elderly gymnastics can be seen from the motivation given by family and others, quality of sleep after elderly gymnastics, and efforts to maintain the quality of elderly sleep. Furthermore, the researchers are suggested to conduct further research identifying the role of health services in the motivation of the elderly in participating in elderly gymnastics.