Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are currently being used to combat the COVID-19 pandemic through applications, including the delivery of medical supplies, aerial spraying, and public space monitoring. In a pandemic, drone-based delivery is a promising and highly efficient method to reduce transportation time, cost, and exposure to infection. However, owing to both the limited battery lifetime and the limited functions of UAV in-flight missions, it is difficult to implement multiple deliveries over long distances in a single transportation mission. In this article, we study how to extend the drone flight time with charging stations and ensure multiple deliveries in a single mission. For multiple long-distance deliveries, optimization methods are required to design the delivery area networks of customers, charging stations, and delivery routes. We propose a joint routing and charging strategy (JRCS) comprising three phases to perform multiple deliveries in a single mission. We first split the customers of a delivery area using a clustering algorithm according to their distance from the nearest charging station and the maximum flight range. The second phase provides flight segmentation and intersegment routes between the depot, customer locations, and charging stations based on the maximum flight range and safe flight distance. The joint consideration of drone routes with charging stations minimizes the number of charging stations and ensures safe delivery. Finally, we formulate mixed-integer linear programming to solve the drone delivery route problem. According to simulation results, the proposed JRCS outperforms existing delivery approaches in terms of various performance metrics.