Young people play a pivotal role in instigating and driving significant changes. The impact of individuals’ involvement in environmental conservation, community development, and social change initiatives for sustainable value creation is of considerable importance in the pursuit of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The objective of this study is to examine the contribution of youth engagement in the creation of sustainable value by analyzing their comprehension and prioritization of the 17 SDGs, with the goal of achieving sustainable development and sustainability. The researchers conducted a study on a sample of 1085 individuals between the ages of 14 and 30, who were selected from three distinct countries within the Western Balkan region—the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Northern Macedonia. The data were analyzed using factor analysis in conjunction with descriptive and inferential statistics. The survey findings indicate that poverty, hunger, and access to adequate healthcare are the primary SDGs and societal challenges confronting the youth in these nations. Furthermore, it emphasizes the significance of both formal and informal education among youth as a catalyst for societal transformation for sustainable value creation.