“…Rubus idaeus is a member of the economically important Rosaceae family that also includes 36 rose, peach, apple, cherry, pear, almond, strawberry, and blackberry. Up to now, the genomes of 37 several Rosaceae family members have been sequenced, including Rubus occidentalis (black 38 raspberry) (VanBuren et al, 2016, Malus x domestica (apple) (Daccord et al, 2017;39 Velasco et al, 2010), Prunus persica (peach) (Ahmad et al, 2011;Verde et al, 2013), Pyrus 40 bretschneideri (Chinese pear) and Pyrus communi (Chagne et al, 2014) (Chagné et al, 2014), 41…”