“…classified as trichothecenes, ZEN, and fumonisins (Ji et al, 2019), aurofusarin and rubrofusarin pigments were identified as being contained in F. graminearum (Mastanjevic et al, 2018b) and found to add to the colour intensity of wort (Cambaza, 2018). As for sensory and physico-chemical stability of beer, another fungal products, hydrophobins, were identified as compounds that cause gushing (Mastanjevic et al, 2017). The presence of toxins produced by F. culmorum, F. graminearum or/and F. poae in barley kernels may negatively influence wort filterability, content of enzymes involved in starch and sugar processes, diastatic power, germination capacity contributing to free amino nitrogen in malt and a reduced growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which leads to a delayed fermentation causing inhibition of ethanol synthesis (Ng et al, 2021a).…”