iModulons—sets of co-expressed genes identified through independent component analysis (ICA) of high-quality transcriptomic datasets—provide an unbiased, modular view of an organism's transcriptional regulatory network. Established in 2020, iModulonDB ( serves as a centralized repository of curated iModulon sets, enabling users to explore iModulons and download the associated transcriptomic data. This update reflects a significant expansion of the database—19 new ICA decompositions (+633%) spanning 8 925 expression profiles (+1370%), 503 studies (+2290%) and 12 additional organisms (+400%)—and introduces new features to help scientists decipher the mechanisms governing prokaryotic transcriptional regulation. To facilitate comprehension of the underlying expression profiles, the updated user-interface displays essential information about each data-generating study (e.g. the experimental conditions and publication abstract). Dashboards now include condition-specific coloring and highlight data generated from genetically perturbed strains, enabling users to rapidly interpret disruptions in transcriptional regulation. New interactive graphs rapidly convey omics-derived indicators (e.g. the explained variance of ICA decompositions, genetic overlap between iModulons and regulons). Direct links to operon diagrams (BioCyc) and protein-protein interaction networks (STRING) provide users with seamless access to external resources for further assessment of iModulons. Lastly, a new suite of search-driven and species-wide analysis tools promotes user-engagement with iModulons, reinforcing iModulonDB’s role as a dynamic, interactive knowledgebase of prokaryotic transcriptional regulation.