Memory transistors based on two-dimensional (2D) ferroelectric semiconductors are intriguing for next-generation in-memory computing, which may surpass the prevailing Von Neumann architecture. To date several 2D FE materials have been unveiled, among which 2D In2Se3 is the most promising, as all the paraelectric (PE) (β), ferroelectric (FE) (α) and antiferroelectric (AFE) (β′) phases can be attained in the 2D quintuple layers. However, the large-scale synthesis of 2D In2Se3 film with desired phase is still in absence, and the stability conditions for each phase remain obscure.Here, we show the successful growth of centimetre (cm)-scale 2D β-In2Se3 film by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). We also obtain distinct cm-scale 2D β′-In2Se3 film by InSe precursor addition during CVD. More importantly, we demonstrate that asgrown 2D β′-In2Se3 film on mica substrates can be delaminated or transferred onto flexible or uneven substrates which simultaneously yields cm-scale 2D α-In2Se3 film through complete phase transition. Thus, a full spectrum of PE, FE and AFE 2D films are readily obtained by means of the correlated polymorphism in 2D In2Se3, enabling 2D memory transistors with high electron mobility (29 and 53 cm 2 V -1 s -1 in reverse sweep for β′-and α-In2Se3, respectively), and polarizable β′-α In2Se3 hetero-phase junctions with improved non-volatile memory performance. Our work pioneers in tailoring the 2D FE structures by precise phase engineering, and unlocks their great potentials for logic-in-memory electronics.