“…Crucial for luxury companies to drive consumers to buy their products is their ability to inspire consumersʼ dream (e.g., Dubois & Paternault, 1995;Kapferer, 1997Kapferer, , 2017Kapferer & Valette-Florence, 2016;Phau & Prendergast, 2000). Communication strategies and tactics employed by luxury brands are factors that are certainly crucial to reach this goal (Amatulli, De Angelis, Pichierri, & Guido, 2018b;Roper, Caruana, Medway, & Murphy, 2013). Reflecting its importance, academic studies have deeply investigated the effect of several aspects of luxury goods communication-such as brand authenticity (Beverland & Luxton, 2005), the use of celebrities (Erdogan & Drollinger, 2008), the use of social media (Kim & Ko, 2012), the use of images versus text (e.g., Amatulli et al, 2018b), and the communication message appeal (Kwon, Seo, & Ko, 2016)-on consumersʼ emotions, attitudes, and behaviors (or behavioral intentions).…”