The fourth Linguistic Impoliteness, Rudeness and Aggression conference (LIAR IV) was held at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), from 12 th to 14 th July 2016. The conference was designed to provide a platform for bringing together investigators who, although they might represent diverse theoretical, applied and/or practice-led traditions, nonetheless shared an interest in (im)politeness and facework (broadly conceived). By way of illustration, a plenary panel, organized by Hazel Price and Jack Wilson, demonstrated what can be achieved by bringing together scholars from diverse theoretical linguistic politeness traditions. The title of the plenary panel: Inter-/Intra-cultural (im)politeness in Court? A Case Study of Penelope Soto, indicates the participants' focus upon the bond hearing of the then 18-yearold from Miami (Florida) before Miami-Dade county judge, Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat. There were two primary foci: First, what linguistic (as well as extra-linguistic