The double bond in either 5-norbornen-2-one ethylene ketal or 2-norbornen-7-one ethylene ketal provides no anchimeric assistance in the hydrogenolysis of these ketals by AIHzCl in ether. Instead, a marked retardation of reaction occurs, a result considered to be due to competitive association of the Lewis acid, AIH,CI, with the n bond.Attack of the A1H2CI on the former ketal occurs from the exo direction to give only the endo-5-(3-hydroxyethoxy product, whereas the latter ketal reacts with AIHzCI to give a 2:l mixture of the syn and anti 7-p-hydroxyethoxy products. A rationale is provided to account for the results.La double liaison dans soit la cetal Cthylenique du norbornhe-5 one-2 ou soit la cetal Bthylenique du norbornene-2 one-7, ne procure pas d'assistance anchimerique lors de I'hydrogenolyse de ces cetals par AIH,CI dans 1'6ther. PlutBt, un ralentissement marque de la reaction se produit; ce resultat semble imputable a I'assoc~ation competitive de I'acide de Lewis, AIH2CI, avec le lien n.L'attaque du AIHzCI sur la premikre cetal se produit dans la direction exo pour donner seulement le produit endo-hydroxyethoxy-5-p alors que la derniere c6tal reagit avec du AIH,CI pour donner un mClange 2:l des produits syn et anti hydroxyethoxy-7-p. Une explication rationnelle est proposee afin d'expliquer ces resultats.[Traduit par le journal]Can J Chem . 51, 361 (1973) Introduction goes solvolysis in 80% ethanol about 150 times has been reported recently (1) that the faster than does the endo isomer, a difference vinyl group attached to C-2 of a 1,3-dioxolane in reactivity not much greater than that observed accelerates the reductive cleavage of the di-for the saturated oxolane ring by AlH2C1 in diethy1 ether. This exo-and endo-2-ch10r0norb0rnane (5, 6). was attributed to increased stabilization of the In view of the above information, we wished transition state leading to the intermediate 0x0-determine whether an O1efinic double bond carbonium ion, a species which is very rapidly would provide similar rate enhancement in the alld irreversibly attacked by hydride ion to hydrogenolysis of 5-norbornen-2-one ethyleneproduce ally1 P-hydroxyethyl ether. A similar ketal and 2-n0rb0rnen-7-one eth~leneketal rate enhancement of hydrogenolysis by A1H2C1 (2)