“…(Oster et al, 2011;Adongo et al, 2017;Majeed et al, 2018;Townsend et al, 2018;Ramkissoon, 2020), and (3) travel destinations with natural features (Palka, 1999) which provide restorative experiences alongside the feeling of comfort and gratitude to individuals seeking health and wellbeing (Hansen et al, 2017). Research on therapeutic landscapes continues to attract the attention of scholars across different fields including urban planning for landscape development (Rodiek and Fried, 2005), health geography (Smyth, 2005), nursing (Kennedy et al, 2004), psychology (Coghlan, 2015), holistic medicine (Williams, 1998), traditional and complementary medicine (Majeed et al, 2017a), medical tourism (Buzinde and Yarnal, 2012;Majeed and Lu, 2017;Majeed et al, 2018), public health (Love et al, 2012;Williams, 2014), and religion (Agyekum and Newbold, 2016).…”