This document has been subjected to review by the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory of EPA and the National Ocean Service of NOAA and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents reflect the official views of these agencies, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ^3'7fc^'L The information in this document has been funded wholly or in part by EPA under Cooperative Agreements with the State of Washington Department of Ecology (CR 827869), Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (CR 87840), and SCCWRP (CR 827870) and an Inter-Agency Agreement with the National Marine Fisheries Service (DW 13938780). Additionally, cooperative efforts with the NOAA National Ocean Service were conducted under a General Collaborative Agreement (NOS #MOA-2005-003/6764, EPA #PW139221956-01-0). This study involved the participation of numerous representatives from a variety of federal, state, local, academic, and private institutions. Many individuals within EPA made important contributions to the study. Critical guidance and vision in establishing the overall NCA-West program was provided by Kevin Summers of Gulf Ecology Division. Tony Olsen of Western Ecology Division (WED), with technical support from staff of Computer Science Corporation, provided the sampling designs utilized for various aspects of the study. Lorraine Edmond of Region 10 and Terrence Fleming of the Region 9 Offices of EPA ably served as the regional liaisons with the state participants. Robert Ozretich of WED performed a detailed review of the database contents used for this analysis, and we additionally thank him for his extensive quality assurance review of this document. A major portion of the study area was sampled from the NOAA ship McARTHUR II on Cruise AR-03-01-NC, which consisted of three legs encompassing the period from June 1-26, 2003. All members of the three field crews (see list below) are commended for their high level of technical expertise, teamwork and dedication to getting the required sampling completed. In particular, the dedication of the Chief Scientists for each of the three legs is greatly appreciated. These were Sarah Wilson formerly with Washington Department of Ecology (Leg 1), Larry Caton with Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Leg 2), and Rusty Fairey with Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (Leg 3). Special appreciation also is extended to the officers and crew of the NOAA ship McARTHUR II for the superb job performed. Sarah Wilson also was especially helpful in obtaining published and unpublished data on the location of cable crossings, hard bottom areas, and other hazards to the safe and successful conduct of field sampling. Dr. Chris Goldfinger of Oregon State University and Dr. Gary Greene of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories kindly supplied unpublished bottom type data that was of assistance in preparation of the maps for determining sample locations. Personnel of the Fisheries Resource Analysis and Monitori...