“…Identification of planktonic foraminiferal depth habitats used in this study are based on relationships between stable isotope foraminiferal geochemistry and ecology in relationship to δ 11 B offsets (e.g., refs. 4,9,10 , and references therein). Additional foraminifera species used here (Morozovella aragonensis, Acarinina quetra, A. pentacamerata, M. crater, A. cuneicamerata, A. pseudosubsphaerica) were cross-calibrated against previously known species (A. pseudotopilensis, A. praetopilensis, A. soldadoensis, Guembelitrioides nuttalli, Pearsonites broedermanni) for their δ 11 B behaviour collected from the same time interval and core site 4,5,11,17 and site-specific species offsets in δ 11 B were not identified.…”