The Drosophila runt locus controls early events in embryogenesis. A human homologue (CBFA2) was originally identified because of its involvement in the t(8;21) associated with a subtype of acute myeloid leukaemia. The phylogenetically conserved region (runt box) was reported to correspond to a DNA binding domain. In order to investigate whether runt also plays a role in mammalian development, we have conducted a preliminary survey of its expression in the mouse embryo. Expression in embryonic tissues was detected starting from day 9.2 post coitum. From day 10.5 post coitum, highest levels are found in the neural tube, sensory ganglia, specialised sensory epithelial structures (olfactory and gustatory mucosa, follicles of the vibrissae), all chondrogenic centres (both of neural crest and of mesodermal origin), and the genital system (the gonad, the paramesonephros, and the genital tubercle). Unambiguous expression in the haemopoietic system could be established for the thymus. The data suggest a pleiotropic role for mammalian runt in embryogenesis.0 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.