Neonatal morbidity and mortality rates indicate a country's socioeconomic status and the quality, and effectiveness of its health care system. This research aimed to identify the clinical pattern and causes of neonatal admission for inborn and outborn babies in a tertiary care university hospital and their outcomes. Over a year, this prospective hospital-based research was conducted in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of Assiut Children's Hospital in Upper Egypt (January 1st to December 31st, 2020). Gender, birth weight, gestational age, postnatal age, delivery mode, delivery place, admission cause, hospital stay period, and neonatal outcomes were collected. A total of 1,638 newborns were admitted; 930 (56.8%) were preterm and 708 (43.2%) full-term. Inborn admissions were 1,056 (64.5%) and outborn 582 (35.5%). The majority of inborn admissions were preterm 726 (68.8%), and outborn were full-term 378 (64.9%). The commonest admission causes among inborn and outborn preterm infants were respiratory distress syndrome (84.3%) and congenital intestinal obstruction (22.5%), respectively, while multiple congenital anomalies were the commonest cause for admission among both inborn and outborn full-term babies. The mortality rate was 708 (43.2%), higher among inborn (50%) versus outborn (30.9%). The leading cause of death was respiratory distress syndrome among premature inborn with case fatality rate of (56.9%) and multiple congenital anomalies among premature outborn (60%), as well as inborn (67.4%), and outborn (42.6%) full-term neonates. In conclusion, the neonatal mortality rate was high among studied cases. Morbidity and mortality of respiratory distress syndrome and congenital anomalies were alarmingly high. Therefore, all health care providers must devote a considerable effort to improve health care delivered to these neonates.