DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.05.011
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The pedestrian behaviour of Spanish adolescents

Abstract: Factor Analysis of the full scale found that the original three factors did not adequately fit the data, but an acceptable fit was obtained for the shortened 21-item version of the scale.In line with research from the UK, the present study found that males reported more unsafe road crossing behaviour and playing on the roads, but there was no gender difference for engaging in planned protective behaviour. This research also confirmed that unsafe road crossing behaviour increased with age, while dangerous playi… Show more

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Cited by 47 publications
(43 citation statements)
References 10 publications
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“…However, as both the United Kingdom and New Zealand are English speaking countries with relatively similar cultures, Sullman and Mann (2009) recommended research be conducted in a more culturally different, non-English speaking country. This was attempted in a recent study using students from Spain, where over 2000 Spanish school students completed the ARBQ (Sullman, Gras, Font-Mayolas, Masferrer, Cunill & Planes, 2011). Confirmatory Factor Analysis found that although the long version of the scale did not adequately describe the data, the short version provided an adequate fit for the three factor model.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, as both the United Kingdom and New Zealand are English speaking countries with relatively similar cultures, Sullman and Mann (2009) recommended research be conducted in a more culturally different, non-English speaking country. This was attempted in a recent study using students from Spain, where over 2000 Spanish school students completed the ARBQ (Sullman, Gras, Font-Mayolas, Masferrer, Cunill & Planes, 2011). Confirmatory Factor Analysis found that although the long version of the scale did not adequately describe the data, the short version provided an adequate fit for the three factor model.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…La manutención de estas acciones como patrón de hábitos comportamentales puede ser considerada como una habituación a conductas de riesgo. Ahora, sin embargo, con la progresiva pérdida de reflejos, aumento del tiempo de reacción, sumado a una mayor vulnerabilidad física, les hace quedar más expuestos a ser víctimas de accidentes que antes y con consecuencias de mayor daño por su edad (Sullman et al, 2011).…”
Section: Paísunclassified
“…Así, si se tratara de hacer campañas para peatones para corregir errores y lapsus al transitar, éstas podrían ser sexualmente indiferenciadas, en cambio si se trata de buscar inhibir comportamientos transgresores, éstas debieran focalizarse en hombres. Estos resultados guardan relación con la conducta peatonal diferenciada que tienen las personas en general (Granié, 2009;Sullman et al, 2011;Tom y Granié, 2011). En Chile los peatones 'puros' (no choferes) cometen más errores al transitar que los choferes y así, además de ser tipificados como 'víctimas' o 'grupo vulnerable' -lo que es habitual a los choferes en nuestros países-, ellos debieran ser re-tipificados en su rol en los accidentes de tránsito como participantes activos en la producción de éstos.…”
Section: Paísunclassified
“…Efforts that have used qualitative methods are beginning to yield comprehensive information in regards to how pedestrians navigate pedestrian systems. Among the most successful strategies are surveys, such as the one in [13], field studies, such as the one in [14], [15], [16], and [17]. In addition, some of these efforts have given us methodologies to develop surveys and field studies protocols, such as [18] and [19].…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%