Corydalis cava (Fumariacea) is used for the production of preparationes in the theraphy of vegetative distonia and other neurovegetative disturbances [1]. The pharmacological effect of some alkaloids of this plants: bulbocapnine [1], protopine [2,3] and other was investigated or is the subject of many scientists research.The material used for our investigation was from thr lairs of Serbia. Extraction of plant material was carried out by MeOH on 40 C. The alkaloid isolation was performed by means of column chromatography [3]. The course of alkaloid eluation was controlled by thinlayer chromatography on Silica gel G. Seven alkaloids were isolated: bulbocapnine 0.03-0.75 % (dry weight) and domestine, capnoidine, protopine, predisentrine, adlumi-diceine, coptisine. Besides isoboldine and corisamine were found. Our results show that the plant material contained the two fold concentration of copnoidine in relation to the data found in literature.Besides alkaloids fumaric acid was isolated from all plant organs in the quantity 30 % than the ones more isolated from Cosydalis cava from others lairs [5].