Pre-Courant algebroids are 'Courant algebroids' without the Jacobi identity for the Courant-Dorfman bracket. We examine the corresponding supermanifold description of pre-Courant algebroids and some direct consequences thereof. In particular, we define symplectic almost Lie 2-algebroids and show how they correspond to pre-Courant algebroids. We give the definition of (sub-)Dirac structures and study the naïve quasi-cochain complex within the setting of supergeometry. Moreover, the framework of supermanifolds allows us to economically define and work with pre-Courant algebroids equipped with a compatible non-negative grading. VB-Courant algebroids are natural examples of what we call weighted pre-Courant algebroids and our approach drastically simplifies working with them.Dedicated to the memory of James Alfred Bruce MSC (2010): 17A32; 17B99; 53D17; 58A50.The Jacobiator associated with the Courant-Dorfman pre-bracket on a symplectic almost Lie 2-algebroid has some interesting properties which we state in the following two propositions.Proposition 3.7. Let J Θ be the Jacobiator associated with a symplectic almost Lie 2-algebroid. Then J Θ is totally (graded) skew-symmetric, i.e.,for all σ, ψ and λ ∈ A 1 (F 2 ).Proof. Directly from the definition of the Jacobiator and application of the Jacobi identity for the Poisson bracket, we have J Θ (σ, ψ, λ) + (−1) ( σ+1)( ψ+1) J Θ (ψ, σ, λ) = (−1) ψ {{Σ, {σ, ψ}}, λ}, where we use the shorthand Σ = 1 2 {Θ, Θ}. As {ψ, σ} = ψ, σ is a function on M , the right-hand side of the above vanishes (see Definition 3.6). Directly from the Jacobi identity we haveUsing the skew-symmetry of the Poisson bracket and the Jacobi identity again, we arrive at J Θ (σ, ψ, λ) + (−1) ( ψ+1)( λ+1) J Θ (σ, λ, ψ) = (−1) ψ ({Σ, {σ, {ψ, λ}}} − {σ, {Σ, {ψ, λ}}}) = 0,