Th is chapter addresses the multifaceted fi eld of post-disaster family functioning, highlighting the critical role of understanding and addressing the unique needs of families of children with special needs and the importance of collaborating with families. It explores strategies for family preparedness, highlighting the importance of planning and resource mobilization. Central to this discussion is the imperative of supporting the family system through resilience-building interventions and coping strategies, promoting adaptive responses to adversity. Recommendations are provided for families to enhance their preparedness and navigate the challenges of disasters eff ectively, emphasizing communication plans, access to support services, and fostering a sense of community resilience. Special attention is devoted to assisting families in supporting their children, underscoring the importance of addressing physical, emotional, and psychological needs in times of crisis. In this chapter, the importance of holistic approaches to disaster management that prioritize the well-being and resilience of families and children is emphasized. Finally, it explores the signifi cance of collaborating with families of children with special needs aft er a disaster, highlighting strategies and best practices for eff ective partnership.