OBJECTIVE -The role of general practice and diabetes clinics in the management of diabetes is still a matter of debate. Methodological flaws in previous studies may have led to inaccurate conclusions when comparing the care provided in these different settings. We compared the care provided to type 2 diabetic patients attending diabetes outpatient clinics (DOCs) or being treated by a general practitioner (GP) using appropriate statistical methods to adjust for patient case mix and physician-level clustering. RESULTS -Differences for most process measures were statistically significantly in favor of DOCs. The differences were more marked for patients who were always treated by the same physician within a DOC and if that physician had a specialty in diabetology. Less consistent differences in process measures were detected when patients followed by GPs were compared with those followed by physicians with a specialty other than diabetology. As for the outcomes considered, patients attending DOCs attained better total cholesterol levels, whereas no major differences emerged in terms of metabolic control and blood pressure levels between DOCs and GPs. Physicians' specialties were not independently related to patient outcomes.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSCONCLUSIONS -Being followed always by the same physician in a DOC, particularly if the physician had a specialty in diabetes, ensured better quality of care in terms of process measures. In the short term, care provided by DOCs was also associated with better intermediate outcome measures, such as total cholesterol levels.