“…Since its inception, numerous studies have been conducted to understand the nature and direction of IS research (Benbasat & Weber, ; Benbasat & Zmud, ; Dearden, ; Mason & Mitroff, ). Prior investigations developed frameworks that guide IS research (Ives, Hamilton, & Davis, ), explored IS research diversity issues (Robey, ), created mechanisms to classify IS research topics (Barki, Rivard, & Talbot, ), examined what constitutes the (IT) artifact (Orlikowski & Iacono, ), and explored the employment of IS scholarly output in practical settings (Benbasat & Zmud, ; Pearson, Pearson, & Shim, ). As part of these efforts to understand where we were, where we are, and where we want to be (Holsapple, ), many scientometric investigations were also conducted to understand who the most influential IS researchers and institutions are, how the IS community perceives the quality of its journals, and what inquiry methods are utilized (Lowry, Karuga, & Richardson, ; Lowry, Romans, & Curtis, ; Palvia et al, ).…”