“…In the light of these, a theoretical framework was presented in Figure 2, as originally introduced by [19] and developed by [24], outlining the complementing role of ISO 9001:2015 and supply chain integration principles for sustainable development. This research finding echoes with the QM and sustainability integration literature [4,9,19,22,34,35,53]; as well as the stakeholder management, supply chain management and sustainability integration literature [17,29,59,94], emphasizing the role of QM and SCM in firm performance improvement and sustainability. The viewpoints of other references in this special issue are further supported with our theoretical, conceptual, and empirical contributions towards the linkage of ISO 9001 and sustainable development including [95], that concluded the facilitating role of ISO 9001 in the implementation of organizational environmental practices in their state-of-the-art systematic review study and [96], that laid out the integral role of business excellence models and their associated management principles in organizational sustainability assessment.…”