“…Behavioural responses to physi-cal and chemical properties of the substratum can be important determinants of secondary settlement location in mussels (Alfaro et al 2004, von der Meden et al 2010. For example, juvenile Perna perna actively seek out adult conspecifics over small (cm) scales (C谩ceres-Mart铆nez et al 1994, Erlandsson et al 2008, Porri et al 2016). The mechanisms used by juveniles to remotely locate adult mussels is unknown, but is likely to be a waterborne chemical cue, as has been observed for the primary larval settlement in a range of invertebrates, including mussels (Anderson 1996, Steinberg et al 2002, de Vooys 2003, Alfaro et al 2006, Morello & Yund 2016.…”