Surveysthatutilizemultiple geophysicalmethodsoffergreaterinsightsabout the subsurfacebecause each one generally yields different information.Common approaches to integrating or 'fusing'multidimensional geophysical data are investigated utilizing computer graphics, geographical information system (GIS), mathematical and statistical solutions.These approaches are synthesized into graphical, discrete and continuous domains.It is shown that graphical approaches allow complex visualizations of the subsurface, but only images are generated and their dimensionality tends to be low. Discrete methods incorporate any number of geophysical dimensions, allow application of powerful Boolean operations, and produce unambiguous maps of anomaly presence or absence, but many of thesemethodsrelyonarbitrary thresholdsthatdefine onlyrobust anomalies.Continuousdataintegrations offer capabilities beyond other methods because robust and subtle anomalies are simultaneously expressed, new quantitative information is generated, and interpretive data are derived in the form ofregressionweights, factorloadings, and the like, that revealinterrelationships andunderlying dimensionality. All approaches are applied to a common data set obtained at Army City,Kansas, a World War Ieracommercialcomplexthat servicedtroopsinnearby Camp Funston (now Fort Riley).Utilizing data from six geophysical surveys (magnetic gradiometry, electrical resistivity, ground-penetrating radar, magnetic susceptibility, soil conductivity, aerial thermography), various data integrationsrevealthe structure ofthisnearly forgottentown