Background: Transanal endorectal one-stage pull-through (TERPT) procedure in children with Hirschsprung's disease (HD) has gained worldwide acceptance. However surgical success is often reported separately, while the necessity for true reoperation is difficult to establish. Aim: To evaluate the incidence of reoperations following TERPT procedure. The findings will be important in counseling and planning childcare for HD patients as well as providing a benchmark for single centers clinical results. Methods: A literature review of reported TERPT operations on children with HD between 1998 through 2011 was performed. Only planned TERPT operation reports were included. Information was collected with particular emphasis on reoperations and their reasons. Results: Out of 26 published articles 23 were included, reporting on 836 children, female/male ratio: 1/3.3, undergoing the TERPT procedure as the only operative intervention with described postoperative courses. The children comprised neonates, <4 weeks (38%), babies <1 year (35%), toddlers, 1 -3 years (15%) and children >3 years of age (12%). The average follow up was 18.5 (6 -38) months. The resected bowel length mean was 20.5 cm. Forty-one reoperations were reported (4.9%), including 24 laparotomies, 8 laparoscopies, 6 colostomies and ileostomies in 3 children. Only 2 re-do TERPT were reported (0.2%). Seven patients were considered TERPT failures (0.8%) with 5 requiring diverting colostomies and additional transabdominal pullthrough operations. Two myectomies were performed (0.2%). One child with aganglionosis underwent a Duhamel pull through. Two (0.2%) had serious damage to the urinary tract also one child with a vas deferens lesion was reoperated. Two bowel obstructions required adhesiolysis. Eight anastomotic dehiscences (0.9%) required surgery after reparation. One prolapse of the pulled through colon was reported. Six patients (0.7%) suffered anastomotic leaks. Anastomotic strictures rate was 2.8%, all repaired with anal dilatation. Conclusion: The review supports the low incidence of reported reoperations for the TERPT procedure.