“… 3. Including wildfire ( Coogan et al, 2019 ), wetlands management ( Finlayson et al, 2019 ), subterranean ecosystems ( Mammola et al, 2019 ), medicinal plants ( Applequist et al, 2020 ), insect extinctions ( Cardoso et al, 2020 ), ethology ( Goymann and Küblbeck, 2020 ), food webs ( Heleno et al, 2020 ), large lakes ( Jenny et al, 2020 ), the Mediterranean ( Kopnina et al, 2020 ), human population ( Lidicker, 2020 ), invasive alien species ( Pysek et al, 2020 ), avoiding a ghastly future ( Bradshaw et al, 2021 ), conservation physiology ( Madliger et al, 2021 ) and wildfire and water supply ( Robinne et al, 2021 ). …”