and Ceratobasidium species was studied in both living and stained preparations.In the vegetative phase young cells of Thanateplwrus and Waitea commonly contained 4--12 nuclei, whereas those of Ceratobasidium were binucleate. The multinucleate condition of the vegetative cells was independent of the origin of the isolates, whether naturally occurring in the field or derived from single basidiospol'cs. In aU three genera nuclear division in the vegetative cells was found to be conjugate, followed by au even segregation of the daughter nuclei. Frequent malfunction of t.he conjugate division resulting in uneven segregation of the daughter nuclei was almost certainly the reason for different numbers of nuclei in sueeessive cells of young hyphae. No nuclear migration through septa was observed. In older hyphae, secondary septa formed without nuclear division, resulting in reduced numbers of nuclei per cell.The change from vegetative to reproductive phase was associated with septation of hyphae cutting off eells with only two nuelei. In the basidia karyogamy and meiosis oceurred, resulting in four haploid nuclei which migrated through the four sterigmata to fonn four uninucleate spores. Aberrations also occurred in the reproductive phase; three nuclei instead of two were sometimes included initially in t.he basidium or two nuclei sometimes migrated from the basidium into one spore. These aberrations complicate any genetical analysis based on single-spore cultures.