This paper investigates the adsorption behaviour of sulfate on calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) gel, which is significantly related to cement hydration and delayed ettringite formation. Aqueous sulfate solution from cement paste and prepared calcium-silicate-hydrate samples are used to take other ions and cement hydration into account.The effects of gypsum content, temperature and alkalinity on dissolution and adsorption behaviours of sulfate in cement paste are studied. The results show that higher gypsum content leads to more sulfate ions adsorbed on samples. Sulfate adsorption on calcium-silicate-hydrate samples increases with temperature elevation, which is in agreement with both Divet's and Š kapa's results, which used relatively simple calcium-silicate-hydrate-sulfates systems. Higher alkalinity is unfavourable for sulfate ions adsorbed on calcium-silicate-hydrate samples. An alternative opinion was given by Divet and Randriambololona whose result is complex and not representative owing to the adsorption behaviour of sodium ions being neglected.