Cleft sentences belong to a larger family of focusing constructions. In a language like English, clefts are formed by dividing a simple clause into two parts, namely an initial focus (the cleft constituent) and a backgrounded proposition, which is expressed by a relative clause (see Huddleston & Pullum 2002:1414-20, Lambrecht 2001). (1) (QJOLVK LWFOHIWV a. It was a red wool sweater that I bought. b. It was the wording of the question that confused me. This paper examines the corresponding construction in Coptic Egyptian, the latest developmental stage of the Ancient Egyptian language. The modern term &RSWLF is derived from Arabic TXEWL , itself a corruption of the Greek word (DLJ\SW(LRV) 'Egyptian'. At the roots of the literary production lies the translation of the Greek Bible into Coptic Egyptian. The earliest Biblical manuscripts date from about 350 CE, but go back to the third century. Coptic Egyptian continued to be in use well beyond its extinction as a spoken language. 1 Coptic is actually a dialect cluster, consisting of at least six regional varieties, two of which gained supra-regional importance: Sahidic, the language of the whole Nile valley above the Delta, and Bohairic, the language of the Nile Delta. Prior to the Arabic conquest in 641 CE, Sahidic was the predominant literary dialect of Coptic. Its supremacy became challenged by Bohairic Coptic from the 9 th century onwards. By the 11 th century, Bohairic had replaced Sahidic as the official church language and become the sole representative of Coptic Egyptian, which survived as the liturgical language of the present-day Coptic Orthodox Church. The language material of this paper is exclusively drawn from Sahidic Coptic, the main reference dialect. 2 Turning to the topic of our paper, cleft sentences are very common in the syntactic patterns of Sahidic Coptic to indicate the focal status of a nominal argument. As with English clefts, Coptic cleft constructions have a biclausal syntax, yet express a single proposition. The focused DP SMRHL V 'the Lord' in