ABSTRACT. A gravity survey was made in June o f 1963 of four ice caps on western M e lv ille Island, Ca nadia n A rct ic Archipelago. I ce thicknesses were interpreted from Bou g u e r anomalies at 138 stations. Th e regional g ravity fi eld of the area has a simple form and is associaled with a uniform bedrock geology. Because of this, the inte rpretation of th e g rav ity d ata was g rea tly simplifi ed in compa rison with th e more usual glaciologica l problem. It was found that greatest ice thi ckn esses ranged from 30 to 50 m., fillin g hidden valleys or d epressions under th e main ice-cap bod y. I ce-cap vo lumes ranged from 0·2 to 1·0 km .l. REsUME. L eve gravimitrique des ca/olles de_glace de l'!le de M e/ville. Un leve g ravimetrique a ete effectue en juin 1963 des quatre calottes d e g lace de I'I le de Melvill e ouest, Archipe l A rc tiqu e Canadien . L 'e pa isse ur de la g lace a e te d ed uite des a nomalies d e Bouguer en 138 stations. Le champ d e gravite regional d e la zo ne e tudiee a un e form e simple et il es t assoc ie it la geo log ie uniforme du socle roc he ux. Ainsi , l' inte rpre tation d es m esures gravimetriques a ete g rand e m e nt simplifiee e n compa ra ison d es probl emes glacio log iqu es courants. II a ete trouve que la plus grande epa isseur de glace se tena it entre 30 e t 50 m , rem plissant d es vallees et d epressions cachees so us I'e nsembl e de la ca lolte d e g lace. L es volumes d es calottes de glace sont compris entre 0,2 et 1,0 km l .ZUSAMMENFASS NG . SchweremessllIIOen azif den Eiska/J/Jen von M elville Island. I m J uni 1963 wu rde n Schwerem essunge n a uf vie r Eiskappen im westli chen Melv ill e I sla nd , Ka nadi sche r Arktis-Archipel, durchgeflihrt. Dic Eisdicke wurde a us Boug uer-An oma li en a n 138 Statio nen abgeleite t. D as reg iona le Schwe rkra ftfeld hat e infache F orm , herrlihrcnd vom g le ichfiirmigen geo log ischen Aufbau des U nl ergrundes. D esha lb vereinfachte si ch im V ergleich ZlI dem so nst vorli egenden g laz io logischen Pro b le m di e Interpretatio n d er Schwerkraftwerte we itge he nd . Als griisste E isdic ken wurd en W erte zw ischen 30 und 50 m gefunden ; sie treten auf liber T a lern oder V erti efun gen, di e si ch unter d er H a uptm asse der Eiskappe n verberge n. Das Vo lumen d er Eiskappen li eg t zwisehen 0 , 2 und 1, 0 km l .
THE GRAVITY S URVEYTh e general loca tion of the ice caps is shown in Figure I ; they are d esignated as "North ", " W est", "Eas t" and "South " ice cap according to th eir rela tive positions. Approximately ellipti cal in shape, the ice caps lie on the dissected plateau which is th e prin cipal topographic form of west Melvill e Isla nd. Th e ice caps range in a rea fr om 15 to 55 km.' and li e at an average eleva tion of 550 m.The objectives of the gravity survey, performed inJune 1963, w er e to find the gen eral form of the ice bodies and to determine the locations of greatest ice thickn ess, su itable for a future bore hol e for glacio logical a nd h ea t-flow studi es . Th e survey was...