The 1.1-1.5 mm wide gaps between tiles of the main toroidal belt limiter in TEXTOR were utilized to study the long-term impurity deposition and fuel retention in gaps. The tiles were exposed during a full tokamak campaign of 9365 s of plasma to various discharge conditions and wall conditioning, accumulating of up to 30 µm thick layers at the gap entrance. It was found that (i) gaps trap impurities twice as efficient as the top surface, (ii) the deposition in the toroidal gaps is twice as high as in the poloidal, (iii) carbon deposition decays with a fall-off length of about 0.7 mm towards the gap bottom, (iv) deposition on the bottom is significantly higher than on the adjacent side walls of gaps, (v) the amount of deuterium scales with the amount of carbon with D/C varying from 3% to 30% depending on the surface temperature.