The topographical, ultrastructural, and histochemical features of 23 human vagal paraganglia were analyzed. Nineteen of the 23 paraganglia were found in previously unreported sites; 18 of the 19 were in the cervical part of the nerve, between the carotid bifurcation and the superior thoraco-cervical inlet, and one paraganglion was located in the retrothyroidal part of the left inferior laryngeal nerve. The results of ultrastructural studies (2 cases), the histochemical and formaldehyde-induced-fluorescence studies (3 cases), and specific acetylcholinesterase activity (one case) demonstrate that these structures fulfill many of the modern criteria for paraganglionic tissue. In addition to paraganglia, single, isolated neurons or true micro-ganglia were always found along the trunk and branches of the vagus nerve when multiple sections were examined.