Exergoeconomic anal y sis helps de sign ers to find ways to im prove the per for mance of a sys tem in a cost ef fec tive way. This can play a vi tal role in the anal y sis, de sign, and op ti mi za tion of ther mal sys tems. Thermoeconomic op ti mi za tion is a pow er ful and ef fec tive tool in find ing the best so lu tions be tween the two com pet ing ob jectives, min i miz ing eco nomic costs and max i miz ing exergetic ef fi ciency. In this paper, op er at ing pa ram e ters of a gas tur bine power plant that pro duce 140 MW of elec tric ity were op ti mized us ing exergoeconomic prin ci ples and ge netic al gorithms. The anal y sis shows that the cost of fi nal prod uct is 9.78% lower with re spect to the base case. This is achieved with 8.77% in crease in to tal cap i tal in vest ment. Also thermoeconomic anal y sis and eval u a tion were per formed for the gas tur bine power plant. The re sults show the deep re la tion of the unit cost on the change of the op er at ing pa ram e ters.
In tro duc tionsThe im por tance of de vel op ing ther mal sys tems that ef fec tively use en ergy re sources such as nat u ral gas is ap par ent. De sign ing ef fi cient and cost ef fec tive sys tems, which also meet en vi ron men tal con di tions, is one of the fore most chal lenges that en gi neers face [1]. In the world with fi nite nat u ral re sources and large en ergy de mands, it be comes in creas ingly im por tant to under stand the mech a nisms which de grade en ergy and re sources and to de velop sys tem atic approaches for im prov ing sys tems and thus also re duc ing the im pact on the en vi ron ment. Exergetics com bined with eco nom ics rep re sents pow er ful tools for the sys tem atic study and opti mi za tion of sys tems. Exergetics and microeconomics forms the ba sis of thermoeconomics, which is also named exergoeconomics [2]. Com bin ing the sec ond law of ther mo dy nam ics with eco nom ics (thermoeconomics) us ing avail abil ity of en ergy (exergy) for cost pur poses pro vides a pow er ful tool for sys tem atic study and op ti mi za tion of com plex en ergy sys tems. Its goal is to Gorji-Bandpy, M., et al.: Exergoeconomic Optimization of Gas Turbine Power .