Chemical structure has been long recognized to greatly influence polymer glass formation, but a general molecular theory that predicts how chemical structure determines the properties of glass-forming polymers has been slow to develop. While the generalized entropy theory (GET) explains the influence of various molecular details on polymer glass formation, the application of the GET has heretofore been limited to the use of the simplest polymer model in which all united atom groups within the monomers of a species interact with a common monomer averaged van der Waals energy. However, energetic heterogeneities are ubiquitous within the monomers of real polymers, and their implications for polymer glass formation remain to be investigated theoretically. This paper uses an extension of the GET to explore the influence of energetic heterogeneities within monomers upon the nature of polymer glass formation. This extension of the GET is achieved by combining the Adam−Gibbs theory relating the structural relaxation time to the configurational entropy with a recent significant extension of the lattice cluster theory for polymer melts with specific interactions, in particular, for melts where three distinct van der Waals interaction energies are required to describe the energetic heterogeneities within monomers. The present paper focuses on establishing general trends for the variation of characteristic properties of glass formation, such as the isobaric fragility parameter m P and the glass transition temperature T g , with molecular details, such as the specific interactions and chain stiffness. Our computations confirm that the previously used model with monomer averaged interactions correctly captures general trends in the variation of m P and T g with various molecular parameters. More importantly, adjustment of the energetic heterogeneities within monomers alone are shown to provide an efficient mechanism for tailoring the properties of glass-forming polymers. The variations of polymer properties along iso-fragility and iso-T g lines are illustrated as important design tools for exhibiting the combined influence of specific interactions and chain stiffness.
INTRODUCTIONDespite the fact that polymeric materials readily form glasses upon cooling, a general theory for the nature of polymer glass formation and for the properties of polymer glasses remains elusive. Numerous studies demonstrate that molecular characteristics, such as chain stiffness, monomer structure, and the chemical structures of the backbone and side groups, profoundly affect polymer glass formation. 1−12 Hence, understanding of the relation between material properties and these molecular details offers the potential to control polymer glass formation in a systematic manner. In particular, recent experiments 2 indicate that both the glass transition temperature T g and the fragility parameter m, where m measures the sensitivity of the structural relaxation time or viscosity to temperature changes, can be greatly tuned by modifying the chemical structu...