We present new simulation results for the specific heat in a classical model of a binary mixture glass-former in two dimensions. We show that in addition to the formerly observed specific heat peak there is a second peak at lower temperatures which was not observable in earlier simulations. This is a surprise, as most texts on the glass transition expect a single specific heat peak. We explain the physics of the two specific heat peaks by the micro-melting of two types of clusters. While this physics is easily accessible, the consequences are that one should not expect any universality in the temperature dependence of the specific heat in glass formers.The thermodynamic properties of glass-formers near the glass transition have been a subject of intensive and far from settled research for more than half a century [1][2][3][4]. The temperature dependence of the entropy and how the entropy extrapolates to low temperatures gave rise to the so-called Kauzmann paradox [1] that remains confusing to the present time. Important to the understanding of these issues is the specific heat, either at a constant volume or at a constant pressure, since its integral over a temperature path provides the entropy. Experimental measurements of the specific heat in glass-forming systems are obtained from the linear response to either slow cooling (or heating) or to oscillatory perturbations with a given frequency about a constant temperature. The latter method gives rise to a complex specific heat with the constraint that the zero frequency limit of the real part should be identified with thermodynamic measurements. Such measurements reveal anomalies in the temperature dependence of the specific heat, including the so called "specific heat peak" in the vicinity of the glass transition. In fact, throughout the literature on the glass transition one finds references to the specific heat peak [5]. In this Letter we show that this concept must be discarded, since depending on the detailed physics of the system there can be two or multiple specific heat peaks. We will present evidence for a model system with two specific heat peaks, explain in detail the physical origin of the latter, and point out the important consequence that there is very little (or no) universality that can be expected in the thermodynamic properties of different glass-formers.The model discussed here is the classical example [6, 7] of a glass-forming binary mixture of N particles in a 2-dimensional domain of area V , interacting via a soft 1/r 12 repulsion with a 'diameter' ratio of 1.4. We refer the reader to the extensive work done on this system [6-10]. The sum-up of this work is that the model is a bona fide glass-forming liquid meeting all the criteria of a glass transition.In short, the system consists of an equimolar mixture of two types of point-particles, "large" with interaction range σ 2 = 1.4 and "small" with interaction range σ 1 = 1, respectively, but with the same mass m. In general, the three pairwise additive interactions are given by the purely re...