“…Seven articles on two EM ENSs were included: two articles reported the StealthStation TREON Plus (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, Minn) 23,24 tracking system, and five articles reported the Aurora (Northern Digital, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) tracking system. 19,21,22,29,33 An EM ENS consists of (1) a magnetic-field generator that generates an ultra-low EM field and must be located near the surgical field, (2) EM position coils integrated at the tip of the manual endovascular device that induce a characteristic in the coil determined by the specific location and distance of the coil in the EM field, (3) a control box that converts the voltage in the EM coil into digital data for the exact 3D position of the coil, and (4) navigation software for image guidance. These four components provide the 3D position and orientation of the EM coils (and thus the endovascular devices) and visualize the location of the coil in a preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan.…”