In recent years, the number of patients with lumbar disc herniation (LDH) has gradually increased and their age has gradually become younger. It seriously affects the daily life and work of patients and increases their sense of pain. At home and abroad, the treatment methods for LDH are mainly divided into two categories, Western medicine treatment and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Western medicine treatment mainly focuses on surgery and drug treatment, and minimally invasive surgery during surgery is gradually becoming a trend, but it may cause complications, which is not conducive to the postoperative recovery of patients. Western medicine treatment can alleviate pain symptoms to a certain extent, but long-term use leads to poor patient compliance. Traditional Chinese medicine mainly includes acupuncture and moxibustion, bone setting, etc. In addition to treatment, sports and psychological therapies also play an important role in the intervention and treatment of LDH. Each method has its own advantages, and different treatment methods should be given to different patients in order to achieve the best clinical treatment effect, in order to provide better research direction for clinical scholars.