Salmoninae adaptability to the marine environment was evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) extent, and (2) duration of migration; (3) horizontal and (4) vertical habitats; and (5) minimum and (6) maximum thermohaline limits experienced. The most-to-least marine adapted genera were Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, agreeing with Rounsefell's anadromy ranking. The lowest and highest thermohaline limits were reached by O. keta, S. salar, S. alpinus and S. malma; and O. kisutch, O. keta and O. nerka, respectively. Marine adaptability criteria rearranged Rounsefell's top three species, with O. keta and O. nerka ranked higher than O. gorbuscha, and suggested recently evolved salmonids are adapted to a more marine life history. Oncorhynchus masou ranked similar to its sister taxa: O. mykiss and O. clarki. Lower ranked salmonids usually evolved earlier, adding evidence to a freshwater salmonid ancestor. More research on marine migration is needed on all Salmoninae, especially the lesser studied trout and charr which demonstrate highly variable life histories compared to salmons.