ABASTRACT: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Propofol is the most common induction agent for LMA insertion. Sodium thiopentone alone doesn't suppress airway reflexes adequately. So this study was designed to assess whether application of topical lignocaine prior to sodium thiopentone administration would produce LMA insertion conditions as good as propofol. METHODS: one hundred patients of either sex in the age range of 16-60 years belonging to ASAI/II scheduled for open cholycystectomy were selected and allocated into one of the two groups. All patients received fentanyl intravenously 3minutes before induction. Group IP received propofol 2.5mg/kg while as Group IIT received topical lignocaine and intravenous sodium thiopentone. Insertion conditions for Proseal LMA like gagging, coughing and laryngospasm were compared between the two groups. Duration of apnoea was also compared between two groups. RESULTS: There was no difference between two groups in gagging, coughing, laryngospasm. Number of attempts of Proseal LMA insertion and oxygen saturation were same between the two groups but the duration of apnoea was more in propofol than in topical lignocaine and sodium thiopentone group. CONCLUSION: Topical lignocaine and sodium thiopentone provided same insertion conditions for Proseal LMA as provided by propofol.