“…The freerecall learning procedure ensures the priming of implicit associative response mechanisms but avoids the development of intrapair incidental associative learning (Sardello & Kausler, 1967) and the resultant interference in transfer associated with prior List 1 VD learning. Others (e.g., Kanak & Dean, 1969;Kausler & Dean, 1967) have shown that incidental associative interference may be involved in the Wi-Ri, W2-R/ and Wi-Ri, Wi'-Ra paradigms as well as other paradigms involving potential associative competition-unlearning relationships. In addition, in further support of the notion of associative interference, Kausler, Fulkerson, and Eschenbrenner (1967) have demonstrated that List 1 incidental associations undergo unlearning in the verbal discrimination analogue (i.e., Wi-Ri, Wi-R 2 ) of the A-B, A-C paired-associate transfer paradigm.…”