In this paper, we present Adaptive Computation Steps (ACS) algorithm, which enables end-to-end speech recognition models to dynamically decide how many frames should be processed to predict a linguistic output. The model that applies ACS algorithm follows the encoder-decoder framework, while unlike the attention-based models, it produces alignments independently at the encoder side using the correlation between adjacent frames. Thus, predictions can be made as soon as sufficient acoustic information is received, which makes the model applicable in online cases. Besides, a small change is made to the decoding stage of the encoder-decoder framework, which allows the prediction to exploit bidirectional contexts. We verify the ACS algorithm on a Mandarin speech corpus AIShell-1, and it achieves a 31.2% CER in the online occasion, compared to the 32.4% CER of the attention-based model. To fully demonstrate the advantage of ACS algorithm, offline experiments are conducted, in which our ACS model achieves an 18.7% CER, outperforming the attention-based counterpart with the CER of 22.0%.