“…5, and Table 3, the fast component (τ 1 ) dominates the decay of the resonant manifolds. In the case of the most diluted sample, [Yb 3+ ] = 0.1 wt%, this time constant (τ 1 = 26 μs) is very close to the reported lifetime value for the 4 I 11/2 erbium manifold [25] (τ = 20 μs), indicating that, in diluted samples, in this temporal scale (t < 0.2 ms) the decay is governed by the spontaneous relaxation of 4 I 11/2 erbium level. A detailed inspection of the data reveals that also this fast component suffers a clear lengthening as the Yb 3+ concentration increases, suggesting that the time needed to activate the transfer processes depends on Yb 3+ concentration, being lower in samples with high Yb 3+ content.…”