Several attempts were made to investigate the effects of various process parameters on the mechanical properties and wear behavior of synthetic and natural cellulosic fibers and also particle-reinforced polymer composites. However, very few studies were carried out on the effects of various process parameters on the mechanical and wear behavior of phenol formaldehyde (PF) composites reinforced with natural cellulosic fibers and particles. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt was made to observe the effects of various process parameters on the mechanical and wear behavior of wood-dust (WD) and coir-pith (CP) particle-reinforced resole-type PF composites. First, the mechanical properties of a WD/PF composite were studied based on the content of CP particles. Then, the erosive-wear behavior of the WD/PF composite was studied with respect to five different parameters such particle content, erodent size, impact velocity, impingement angle, and standoff distance. The erosive experiments were carried out for five different parameters based on the Taguchi experimental design (L27). The results show that the mechanical properties of the WD/PF composite increase with an addition of CP particles. The increment in the composite modulus was higher than that of the composite strength. The erosive test results indicate that the erosion-wear rate is affected by the particle content, impingement angle, erodent size and impact velocity. Brittle-erosion behavior was identified on the surface of the composite with a heavy erosive wear occurring at a 60°impingement angle. Keywords: biowaste particles, phenol formaldehyde, composites, mechanical properties, erosive-wear resistance, Taguchi method Izvedenih je bilo`e kar nekaj poizkusov v zvezi z u~inki razli~nih procesnih parametrov na mehanske lastnosti in obrabo polimernih kompozitov oja~anih s sinteti~nimi in naravnimi celuloznimi vlakni in/ali delci. Toda zelo malo raziskav je bilo izvedenih glede vpliva razli~nih procesnih parametrov na mehanske lastnosti in obrabo fenolformaldehidnih (angl. PF) kompozitov, oja~anih z naravnimi celuloznimi vlakni in delci. Tako je v pri~ujo~em delu predstavljen vpliv razli~nih procesnih parametrov na mehanske lastnosti in obrabo PF kompozitov, ki so bili oja~ani z delci lesnega prahu (angl. WD) in delci kokosa (angl. CP). Te vrste kompozitov se uporabljajo za izdelavo podplatov~evljev. Najprej so bile dolo~ene mehanske lastnosti WD/PF kompozitov glede na vsebnost CP delcev. Sledili so preizkusi in analize erozijske obrabe WD/PF kompozitov glede na vsebnost (koli~ino) delcev v kompozitu, velikost, hitrost in razdaljo u~inkovanja erozijskega sredsta ter njegov vpadni kot. Preizkusi so temeljili na analizi s Taguchijevo metodo (L27) s petimi razli~nimi parametri. Rezultati so pokazali, da se mehanske lastnosti WD/PF kompozitov izbolj{ujejo z dodajanjem CP delcev. Povi{anje modula kompozitov je bilo ve~je od pove~anja trdnosti kompozita. Erozijski testi ka`ejo, da je hitrost erozijske obrabe posledica vseh procesnih parametrov, to je: vsebnos...