The tropical intraseasonal 40-to 50-day oscillation (TIO) is the dominant component of variability in the tropical atmosphere with remarkable planetary-scale circulation generated as envelopes of complex multiscale processes. A new multiscale model is developed here that clearly demonstrates the fashion in which planetary-scale circulations sharing many features in common with the observational record for the TIO are generated on intraseasonal time scales through the upscale transfer of kinetic and thermal energy generated by wave trains of organized synoptic-scale circulations having features in common with observed superclusters. The appeal of the multiscale models developed below is their firm mathematical underpinnings, simplicity, and analytic tractability while remaining self-consistent with key features of the observational record. The results below demonstrate, in a transparent fashion, the central role of organized vertically tilted synoptic-scale circulations in generating a planetary circulation resembling the TIO.T he dominant component of intraseasonal variability in the tropics is the 40-to 50-day tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TIO), often called the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) after its discoverers (1). In the troposphere, the MJO is an equatorial planetary-scale wave envelope of complex multiscale convective processes that begins as a standing wave in the Indian Ocean and propagates across the Western Pacific at a speed of Ϸ5 ms Ϫ1 (2-5). The planetary-scale circulation anomalies associated with the MJO significantly affect monsoon development and intraseasonal predictability in mid-latitudes and impact the development of the El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean, which is one of the most important components of seasonal prediction (6-8). Present-day computer general circulation models (GCMs) typically poorly represent the MJO (9). One conjecture for the reason for this poor performance of GCMs is the inadequate treatment across multiple spatial scales of the interaction of the hierarchy of organized structures that generate the MJO as their envelope.There have been a large number of theories attempting to explain the MJO through a specific linearized mechanism such as evaporation wind feedback (10, 11), boundary layer frictional convective instability (12), stochastic linearized convection (13), radiation instability (14), and the planetary-scale linear response to moving heat sources (15). Moncrieff (16) recently developed an interesting phenomenological nonlinear theory for the upscale transport of momentum from equatorial mesoscales [O (300 km)] to planetary scales and applied this theory to explain the ''MJO-like'' structure in recent ''super-parametrization'' computer simulations (17) with a scale gap (no resolution at all) on scales between 200 and 1,200 km. Despite all of these interesting contributions, the problem of explaining the MJO has recently been called the search for the Holy Grail of tropical atmospheric dynamics (14). Here we contribute to this sear...