“…[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] This extreme sulfur chemistry attracted our attention in our search for new ways to enter cells.F rom cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) [8] to cell-penetrating poly(disulfide)s (CPDs) [9] and COCs, [10][11][12][13] the cellular uptake via dynamic covalent dichalcogenide exchange chemistry has come to prominence,o ften referred to as thiol-mediated uptake,w ith exofacial thiols as initial targets and continuing on the way into the cell. [1] We here report that BPS 5 ,f or example, 1,o utperforms all known COCs,a nd, most importantly,t hat BPS 5 penetrate cells in an ew way,i .e., by in situ selection from adaptive dynamic-covalent networks [16,17] of extreme sulfur species with high reactivity,h igh selectivity, and strong retention by thiols. [1] We here report that BPS 5 ,f or example, 1,o utperforms all known COCs,a nd, most importantly,t hat BPS 5 penetrate cells in an ew way,i .e., by in situ selection from adaptive dynamic-covalent networks [16,17] of extreme sulfur species with high reactivity,h igh selectivity, and strong retention by thiols.…”