The Substitution Theorem (ST) is generally perceived as a mere theoretical curiosity. In this paper, a formerly derived generalized ST (GST) is carefully revised, which leads to both a Weak Revisited GST (RGST) and a Strong RGST (characterized by noticeably relaxed hypotheses with respect to the GST). Then, despite the common opinion about the ST, such RGSTs are showed to be powerful analytical tools to generalize, make rigorous and rigorously prove several classic results of Circuit Theory, namely: the Substitution Theorem for Multiterminal Circuits, the Source-Shift Theorem, the Thévenin-Norton Theorem, the Miller Theorem alongside its Dual, and the Augmentation Principle. More specifically, the Substitution Theorem for Multiterminal Circuits is extended to an arbitrary set of sources, possibly including nullors. The Source-Shift Theorem is rigorously derived, and possible related ambiguities are removed. Also, all possible hybrid forms of the Thévenin-Norton Theorem for multiports are individuated, and a precise operative procedure for calculating the relevant entities is provided for all cases. Furthermore, the Miller Theorem and its Dual are extended to an arbitrary number of variables and to multiports. As to the Augmentation Principle, the constraint regarding the linearity of the augmenting resistors is removed. Finally, thoroughly worked examples are given in which the aforementioned noteworthy consequences of the RGSTs are proved to be efficient tools for analysis by inspection of linear and nonlinear circuits. Among the other things, systematic pencil-and-paper procedures for DC-point and input-output (or driving-point) characteristic calculation in nonlinear networks are derived and applied to circuits with considerably complex topology.shown to play a crucial role in the systematic derivation of the state equations of a linear time-invariant network. However, in the latter works emphasis is placed on rigorously deriving conditions under which the hypotheses of the ST are fulfilled (and hence it is correctly applicable for the aforementioned purpose) rather than proving the theorem per se.Returning to the two-terminal case, some versions restrict to an impedance the nature of the element to be replaced [4,5]. Other ones consider as a replacing element either the series of a voltage source and a resistor [9,10] or a controlled source [11] or even a generic branch [12,13]. However, such versions are stated and proved in a somewhat vague manner, and the necessity of the unique-solvability hypothesis is utterly overlooked. Moreover, with a few exceptions -[7, 8] being noticeable onesthe ST is in any case generally perceived as a mere theoretical curiosity with poor applicative value.Instead, it would be of noteworthy interest, for instance, to clearly establish that the substituting element (to an arbitrarily complicated one-port) may even be a properly chosen impedance such as the instantaneous impedance introduced in [14] as a generalization of the ordinary impedance, useful in those cases in which the ...