(1) les trois principaux granites de la région ont été produits par des processus profonds ayant généré une fusion partielle de la croûte, (2) ils ont été formés par cristallisation fractionnée pendant la période syn-à tardi-D2 de l'orogenèse Ébuméenne, et ( Du point de vue de l'évolution supergène, il est montré que les processus naturels superficiels dans les milieux tropicaux humides ne génèrent ni croissance, ni changements chimiques dans les minéraux de Nb-Ta. Toutefois, même si la qualité chimique du minéral est préservée, la qualité physique, quant à elle, se dégrade progressivement des zones éluviales aux zones alluviales sous l'effet des corrosions mécaniques. Columbite-tantalite deposits in humid tropical areas are generally supergene deposits associated with gravel. These deposits have been poorly studied and are mined only by small developers. This is attributed, on one hand to the small scale and the short life of the individual deposits and, on the other hand to the great thickness of the alteration overburden in zones of high concentration.This study has a triple objective: (1) establish a geodynamic model for the Issia columbite-tantalite primary mineralization and associated minerals; (2) define the factors controlling the secondary redistribution of the mineralization in detrital environments through integrating pedo-geomorphologic and geostatistical studies; and (3) determine the mineralogical species of niobium, tantalum and other associated ore minerals.The study area includes three granitic massifs intruding sedimentary rocks: the oriented two-mica granite (Lobo granite), the oriented muscovite granite (Bitapia granite) and the non-oriented, porphyritic muscovite granite (Issia granite). Field observations and whole rock analyses show that: (1) the three main granites of the region are produced by deep seated processes which generated partial melting of the crust; (2) they were formed by fractional crystallization during the syn to late-D2 period of the Ebumean orogenesis; and (3) the Issia type granite was the last to be formed at 2106±78 My. Variographic analyses and kriging give satisfactory results for the columbite-tantalite supergene deposits prospecting. This approach defines prospecting grids for the deposit types in the studied areas and it brings to evidence very weak variation on a small scale and a great continuity of the mineralization following the direction of pegmatites. The kriging results indicate that lognormal kriging is the best tool for estimation of the reserves because this method better minimizes the bias and the variance of estimation.
VIThis study has a direct implication for the prospecting of columbite-tantalite detrital deposits in Issia as well as at the global scale. Indeed, it shows that in a columbite-tantalite pegmatite environment located in humid tropical areas, eluvial and colluvial gravels are more favourable to mining than alluvial gravels. Enfin, je remercie tout le personnel du module des sciences de la terre, les professeurs, les techniciens, les é...